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Requesting Your Support

Make a Difference 

20% dine in and takeout (food only)

Community Oven will post the event on their social accounts

Two organization members must be there during the hours of the event

The importance of sponsors in supporting Room for Love is paramount. Without the invaluable assistance of sponsors, our organization would be unable to fulfill its mission. Sponsors play a pivotal role in our ability to acquire the necessary supplies and furnishings to transform a child's room into a magical space. However, their impact extends far beyond the tangible items.


Sponsoring Room for Love means making a profound difference in a child's future, their family, and the broader community. By partnering with us, sponsors enable us to provide a truly transformative experience. Here's why your sponsorship matters:


  1. Eliminating Shame: Sponsors help create amazing, personalized rooms for children facing challenges. These rooms become a source of pride and a safe haven where children can shed feelings of shame associated with their circumstances. When they step into their beautiful, customized space, they can leave behind the burden of shame.

  2. Building Self-esteem: A well-designed, child-centric room is not just a physical space; it's a confidence booster. It communicates to the child that they are valued, worthy of love, and deserving of a special place. This reinforcement of self-worth is a priceless gift that sponsors provide.

  3. Realizing Possibilities: By sponsoring Room for Love, you empower children to dream and believe in a future filled with possibilities. The environments we create inspire hope and optimism, instilling in children the belief that they can achieve anything they set their minds to.

  4. Supporting Families: The positive impact of a transformed room extends to the child's family. Sponsors help strengthen family bonds by creating a harmonious and comforting space, reducing stress for parents and caregivers.

  5. Enriching the Community: Ultimately, sponsors contribute to the well-being of the entire community. When children are given the tools to overcome adversity and develop self-esteem, they are more likely to grow into confident, responsible, and contributing members of society. Your sponsorship is an investment in the future of our community.

In summary, by sponsoring Room for Love, you are not only providing tangible resources but also sowing the seeds of hope, self-esteem, and endless potential in the lives of children and their families. Your support goes beyond the material, shaping a brighter future for all involved.

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